A woman wearing a swimsuit that is looking into the sky. The Sky is where the header "Women's Swimsuits" is located.

Company Information

Let's clean the ocean and look good doing it.

Our Vision

We see our brand becoming synonymous with ocean cleanup. In the future, we will sell non-covid related clothing to maintain relevance and continually raise money for charity.

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Production Roadmap

We know the road to success takes time. Luckily, our team is hard at work getting products into your hands.

 PPE Bikini called the Seafoam-Green Surgical Swimsuit. Photo features a girl swinging from tree with a mask that matches her bikini.

Our GoFundMe

We set our goal at $250,000 because startup costs are high, and the worst case is we donate 100% of the raised funds.

For a deep dive into our fundraising plan, please contact us directly.

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Down the road, we will have a Little Booster product line for kids. This is dependent on how well our sales are for adults.

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